Psychological assessment and psychological testing is done to help better understand an individual and provide valuable insights into their behavior, skills, thoughts and personality.
Psychological testing commonly includes intelligence testing, personality testing, and skills testing, among other areas.
Psychological assessment is not focused on a single test score or number. Every person has a range of competencies that can be evaluated through a number of methods. A psychologist is there to evaluate the competencies as well as the limitations of the person, and report on them in an objective but helpful manner. A psychological assessment report will not only note weaknesses found in testing, but also the individual’s strengths.
Key Things to Know Regarding Psychological Tests:
- Tests are samples of behavior.
- Tests do not directly reveal traits or capacities, but may allow inferences to be made about the person being examined.
- Tests should have adequate reliability and validity.
- Test scores and other test performances may be adversely affected by temporary states of fatigue, anxiety, or stress; by disturbances in temperament or personality; or by brain damage.
- Test results should be interpreted in light of the person’s cultural background, primary language, and any limitations.
- Test results are dependent on the person’s cooperation and motivation.
- Test results should be interpreted in relation to other behavioral data and to case history information, never in isolation.
Psychological assessment is a powerful tool, but its effectiveness depends upon the skill and knowledge of the person administering and interpreting the test. When used wisely and cautiously, psychological assessment can help a person learn more about themselves and gain valuable insights.