Speaking Engagements

Thank you for your interest in my work! I am glad you are here. Some of my favorite places to speak are schools, colleges, women’s groups and corporate companies. I am available for speaking engagements on a variety of topics including:

1. Stress Management

  • Research and experience driven ways to incorporate stress reducing techniques into your daily life and work.

2. The Abyss of Balance

  • We discuss the notion of balance including its attainability and maintainability.

3. Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • What it is, how it diagnosed, what assessment and testing looks like and resources.

4. Yoga and Mental Health

  • As a Psychologist and Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, I discuss the emotional and mental health benefits that yoga can bring in straightforward terms. Sequences and an asana (posture) can be included if interested.

5. The Career of a Clinical Psychologist

  • *Most popular for schools and colleges!* What does a day in the life of a Clinical Psychologist look like? I always value leaving plenty of time for questions and answers so that I can personally address your and/or your students questions about being a Psychologist.

Invite Dr. Touhy to speak at my event

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